Hi, I'm Karthik, a software developer with a passion for using technology to make a positive impact on the world.

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Carnival Logo

Carnival: Fitness Content Curator

Use Carnival to search for podcasts, tv shows, and movies from your favourite platforms to fit perfectly with how long you want to work out for.

Hing Logo

Hing: Share Food Recipes

Sharing your favorite recipes made easier.HING ~ a platform to share your recipes, where people like you come to discover and share many home-cooked recipes every day.

Loudcar Logo


A simple app to communicate with LED hardware using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). With Loudcar, a user can update the text, and animate lights. Hassle free support with Google Assistant actions!

Nano Logo

Nano Kernel Updater

A simple app to install/update Nano kernel to supported devices. The app provides seemless updates to the users and hassle-free kernel flashes using AnyKernel script.

Build with ❤️ using Next.js and designed using Tailwind